Sunday, January 23, 2011

What is church?

How do we define church today? Is it just a building? Is it just a social event? The place where you put money in the plate???

Or does church go beyond the 4 walls of a building? Does church go into the community, and change lives? Or are we just limiting church to the walls...

And who goes to church? The perfect people? The people that have it all together? The people that don't have any problems, who have no struggles? No one that goes to church sins right???

If Jesus was to walk into your church, would you even notice Him? What if His clothes were dirty, would you go talk to Him? What if He stunk a little, because He had to walk to church on a hot day, would you ask Him to sit with you? What if He came by Himself, would you invite Him over for Sunday Dinner after church? Is Jesus even invited to your church???

Or has church become about our priorities, has it become about our events, has it become about our wants, our needs, do we ask ourselves what can this church give ME...

No one who goes to church is perfect. "For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..." So stop pretending you are, and stop judging others. Work together to bring glory to God, not glory to ourselves. Open your eyes to the spiritual part of church, not just the physical part of church...

If Jesus showed up at church today... would you even notice him...

For the journey today...